-10% Cima per ancora Osculati Pieces of polyester braid €11.34 €12.60 First quality, white color with marker, pre-packaged with nylon splicing and reins. Add to cart
-10% Cima per ancora Osculati Cime per ormeggio e parabordi 474 €14.43 €16.03 White color with marker, prepackaged with nylon splicing and reins. Add to cart
-10% Cima per ancora Osculati Chain rope for winches €66.14 €73.49 Manufactured with a 3-ply white rope and a stainless steel false end link to connect it to the winch chain. Add to cart
-10% Cima per ancora Osculati Piece of rope with chain AA2973 €37.16 €41.28 Rope in regulatory orange levilene for anchors, complete with: no. 2 m galvanized chain; no. 1 shackle for connection to the anchor Add to cart
Cima per ancora Osculati Spezzone di cima con catena AB8787 €41.28 Cima in levilene arancione regolamentare per ancore, completo di: mt. 2 di catena zincata da 2 m; n. 1 grillo per collegamento all’ancora. Add to cart
-45% Cima per ancora Cima regolamentare per ancora completa di redancia impiombata da mt. 30 €12.67 €23.03 Anchor rope with nylon spliced thimble. Length 30 meters. Add to cart
-35% Cima per ancora Anchor line complete with 30 m nylon reel €27.64 €42.52 Anchor rope complete with nylon redancia, supplied with: 2 mt. galvanized chain of Ø mm. 6 no. 2 galvanized shackles of Ø mm. 8 to connect to the anchor. Item to be assembled. Add to cart
-35% Cima per ancora Cima regolamentare per ancora completa di redancia impiombata da mt. 50 AA2063 €34.37 €52.87 Regulatory anchor rope complete with nylon redeye. Rope diameter mm.10 length 50 meters. Add to cart
-35% Cima per ancora Anchor line complete with 50 m nylon reel AA2064 €42.51 €65.40 Anchor rope complete with nylon redancia, supplied with: 2 mt. galvanized chain of Ø mm. 6 no. 2 galvanized shackles of Ø mm. 8 to connect to the anchor. Item to be assembled. Add to cart