Nautical daytime signals

Marine Daytime Signals - Discover all products | HiNelson
When you are at sea, regardless of the type of vessel, daytime navigation signals are essential. They serve to be recognized, to make yourself visible to the eyes of other vessels and to indicate to them the navigational status of your vessel. Daytime signals, by regulation, must be black in color and can have three different shapes: a cone, a sphere (also called a ball) or a cylinder. Daytime signals can be made of plastic, wood or metal.

When you are at sea, regardless of the type of vessel, daytime navigation signals are essential. They serve to be recognized, to make yourself visible to the eyes of other vessels and to indicate to them the navigational status of your vessel. Daytime signals, by regulation, must be black in color and can have three different shapes: a cone, a sphere (also called a ball) or a cylinder. Daytime signals can be made of plastic, wood or metal.

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